#QuantumMinds = f ( #QuantumThinking, #QuantumComputing, #QuantumUncertainty ) :””#Problem Being Solved: #Q. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6692262866281644032

#QuantumMinds = f ( #QuantumThinking, #QuantumComputing, #QuantumUncertainty ) :
#Problem Being Solved: #QuantumUncertainty: https://lnkd.in/eQAR3rd by using
#QuantumComputing: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2 :

Kudos to #IBM for making #QuantumComputing More Real for All!

Somehow, we have seen many other practitioners lost in #Automation for #DataManagement who may very well hit a pause to reflect:
#Automation: Of What? ( #Data #Processing) For What? Why & How is it Any Better than Any other [Prior] Automation? We did so about 20-years ago recognizing ANY Automation of a mess is likely to make it messier?

25-years go, we explicitly chose to focus on #Managing #Change #Uncertainty #Complexity while most were lost in #Managing #Data as they are still:

#RealTimeEnterprise: https://lnkd.in/ea5wsgu .

United States Air Force Air Force Research Laboratory Ventures: Pioneering #Quantum #Uncertainty #Management for 25-Years.

#AIMLExchange AIMLExchange.com We create the Digital Future™:
Saving CEO-CxO Teams 90% Time & Cost: Building Digital Companies:

#C4I-Cyber: C4I-Cyber.com: Because the Future of the World Depends Upon It™:
#Command & #Control (C2), Adversarial C2, Counter-Adversarial C2.

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Rome, N.Y., USA: FinRM™: AIMLExchange™, C4I-Cyber™

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