#Fed: Why 18%? Why Not 30% #Interest #Rate on #USD? Get USD the well-deserved #respect. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6899950037099442176

#Fed: Why 18%? Why Not 30% #Interest #Rate on #USD? Get USD the well-deserved #respect, if any is still remaining*… It’s about time! #Fed, Enough is Enough! #USA is #FedUp!… So that USD becomes the most sought-after #asset and not a #liability for those proclaiming: #Cash is #Trash: #Carl #Icahn: The #Fed Can’t Keep #Printing #Money: https://lnkd.in/eiwX7YQ7 : #ControlDoctrine:
Sooner or later, a situation like this is going to end relatively badly, but you can’t keep #printing up #money… because you get what you have now that you can’t #control, the #government can’t #control #inflation… they can #control it only with what #Volcker had to do… you know bring #interest rates up to 18%… so I think that’s going to happen…

*#Saving #RealMoney vs #ZIRP
#FakeMoney Built on #Debt on #Debt:
#How #Democracies #Die:
#Buffett & #Munger: #BerkshireHathaway:

#Inflation can be ‘the way #democracies #die’: #CharlieMunger:
Citing examples from the #Roman #Republic to #Adolf #Hitler to #Latin #America, #Munger said, “#Inflation is a very serious subject, you could argue it is the way #democracies #die…so [the current situation] is the #biggest #long-#range #danger we have, apart from #nuclear #war.” The recent #CPI #data found U.S. #inflation accelerating in January at its #highest #rate in 40 years, with #prices #rising across a wide range of #goods and #services, including #food and #gasoline.

#US #Dollar: Is #US #Cash #Trash?

#Munger clearly sees #inflation not going anywhere in the decades ahead and he offered this discouragement to anyone looking to parking their #money in [ #fiat ] #currency for the long term: “I think the safe assumption for an #investor is that over the next #hundred #years, the [ #fiat ] #currency is going to #zero

#Options #Derivatives
#Naked #Puts #Shorts #ShortSqueeze #Gamma #Squeeze

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.: #Warren #Buffett

#Fed, Time to Turn the #Tide!
Show the World, Who Has Been Swimming Naked!

It’s time to show the world the difference between #real #money and #fake #money funded by the #life and #blood of #hundreds of #millions of #Americans: hard-working #Workers, #Savers, #PensionFunds, #Retirees, the kind who built #America before its #financial #devastation by #parasitic #Capitalism and of late #greatest #inflation run amuck funded by #Fed’s policies resulting in the #greatest #wealth #transfer in the #history of the #USA to the top 1% #systematically causing the #greatest #inequality of all times.

[Above is a narrative summary of well documented, #statistically established #facts and #figures about the impact of #Fed #policies on the #Majority of #US #citizens and #USA at large that have already been shared on this feed over the recent years.]

#FederalReserve #WealthTransfer
#US #Dollar #Money
#Economic #Digital #Wars #Macroeconomics
#Fiscal #Monetary #Policy


Carl Icahn, chairman of Icahn Enterprises, says he can't predict when a bear market will occur because there are too many variables. But he says the Federal ...
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