
You’re Likely to Get the #Coronavirus: #Beyond #Prediction: Out of #Control:
Harvard epidemiologist: “I think the likely outcome is that it will ultimately not be containable.” #Systems Out of #Control:

Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain. The new coronavirus (known technically as SARS-CoV-2) that has been spreading around the world can cause a respiratory illness that can be severe. The disease (known as COVID-19) seems to have a fatality rate of less than 2 percent—exponentially lower than most outbreaks that make global news. The virus has raised alarm not despite that low fatality rate, but because of it. With its potent mix of characteristics, this virus is unlike most that capture popular attention: It is deadly, but not too deadly. It makes people sick, but not in predictable, uniquely identifiable ways.

More on #Beyond #Prediction: #Anticipation of #Surprise:
More on #Systems Out of #Control: How to #Manage What You Cannot #Control:

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Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain.
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