What specific “Technological Advantage” did China have relative to the USA 20-years ago. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6863512079203131392

What specific Technological Advantage did China have relative to the USA 20-years ago or earlier to reach where it has reached today? So, it’s about time to recognize that #Strategic #Execution will always matter more than any #Technological #Advantage and Matters More So Going into the #Future… as the Case of China itself is Proving!

MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab Faculty-SME: AI-Machine Learning-Deep Learning-Natural Language Processing-Robotics-RPA Guide: https://lnkd.in/eknKzm5

AI-Strategy Digital Transformation Frameworks for thinking about Your Vision.

1. Always focus on Performance Outcomes that you need to achieve
– All or most Technologies are means to achieve those outcomes.
– All or most Strategies are means to achieve those outcomes.

2. Technologies and what can be done with them are moving targets, hence know the key technologies but more significantly know what capabilities you can derive from them to achieve the Performance Outcomes that you envision to achieve. 

3. Technologies come and go: what is there will be replaced by new technology or next ‘shiny thing’ tomorrow. Hence, focus on *broad ‘capabilities’ and ‘trajectories’* of where the above are going and how you can adroitly ‘master and manage’ them to make them achieve what you envision to do.

4. Regardless of choice of Strategy or Technology, Strategic Execution, i.e., how you translate the ‘36,000 feet view from the sky’ into your business processes and practices ‘where rubber meets the road’ matters. Superior Strategic Execution can often result in superior Performance Outcomes even if one may not have the most superior Strategy or Technology.

If you believe that the human capital in the United States’ volunteer force is extraordinary, as pioneers of #HumanCapital #IntellectualCapital #SocialCapital practices who have led #UnitedNations #UN World HQ guiding National Knowledge Economies, we advise you to demonstrate so!

Building ‘Smart Minds’​ Using ‘Smart Tools’​ Smartly™: Making AI-Cyber-Quantum Work Better™: As Pioneer of Human-Centered AI-Quantum-Uncertainty R&D:

Obsolete what you know before others obsolete it and profit by creating the challenges and opportunities others haven’t even thought about. – Dr. Yogesh Malhotra in Inc. Magazine Technology Interview:

Future strategic advantage and competitive performance will not derive from simply adoption and use of new information and communication technologies. Rather, they will be determined by smart minds using smart technologies, with greater emphasis being on smart minds. In the new knowledge management paradigm, smart minds hold the key to the success or failure of business systems based upon even the smartest technologies. Some studies have even found an inverse correlation between IT investments and business performance. Apparently, spending more on information technology in itself does not translate into productivity or performance.

What specific "Technological Advantage" did China have relative to the USA 20-years ago or earlier to reach where it has reached today? So, it's about time to…
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