Welcome to Navigating Real World #IT-#Quant #PerfectStorm Beyond #Legacy #Unidimensiona. . .

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Welcome to Navigating Real World #IT-#Quant #PerfectStorm Beyond #Legacy #Unidimensional #Silos-#Stovepipes after halcyon journey over calm seas of #Academic #Disciplines:

#DataScience Beyond #Data #Processing

Fortune: “Yogesh Malhotra says his vision is to fill the #gaps between #business and #technology, #data and #knowledge, and, #theory and #practice…”

#AI #ML #DL #Quant #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Risk
#Cloud #Computing:
AIMLExchange.com – BRINT.com – C4I-Cyber.com:

#Expert #Papers #Keynotes #Presentations:
SSRN: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2
Top 1% Author Ranking: 84 Top-10 R&D Rankings
R&D impact among #AI #Quant #FinTech #NobelLaureates
#Editor-#Referee: 50+ #Journals-#Publishers:

#MIT #ComputerScience & #ArtificialIntelligence #Lab:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Sloan School of Management MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) #Faculty-#SME Pioneer of #MeaningAware #HumanCentered #AI #ML #DL #NLP #RPA: https://lnkd.in/eknKzm5

#Princeton #Quant #Trading #FinTech #Crypto #Conferences, Sponsors: Goldman Sachs, Citadel,
Princeton University Operations Research & Financial Engineering Department, Princeton University, Princeton Bendheim Center for Finance

CFA Institute
PRMIA – Professional Risk Managers’​ International Association
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
NYS Office of Information Technology Services
#NewYorkState #Governor #CyberSecurity #Conferences

#Computational #Quant #Models #Algorithms #Data #Statistics #Stochastic #Probability
#Multidimensional #QuantumUncertainty #TimeSpaceComplexity inspired by
#NobelLaureate #RogerPenrose:

Advance #Beyond #Prediction based on #Historical #Data
#AnticipationOfSurprise [1990s-Current]
to Manage
#Radical #Discontinous #Change:
Aka #BlackSwans #ExtremeEvents, #Complexity #Uncertainty:
Goldman Sachs J.P. Morgan

Advance beyond classical #ComputerScience,
#ClaudeShannon #InformationTheory

#MeaningDriven #HumanCentered #ArtificialIntelligence:

Top-ranked #Journal #Paper in Top-Ranked #AI #Journal inspired by #AI #GeneticAlgorithms Pioneer #JohnHolland at Santa Fe Institute in 1995: https://lnkd.in/eetCEAz

#Cryptography #Cryptanalytics #Cryptology
Beyond #ShannonsMaxim:
Latest on #Encryption and #Crypto #Systems:
Cryptology beyond #Shannon #Information #Theory
Preparing for When the ‘ #Enemy Knows the #System’: Technical Focus on #NumberFieldSieve #Cryptanalysis #Algorithms for Most Efficient #Prime #Factorization on #Composites: https://lnkd.in/dXZQmE6:

#Actuarial #Science #Data #Engineering #AI #ML #DL
#Quant #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Risk #Computing
#MLOps #DevSecOps #InfrastructureAsCode #IaC
#Econometrics #Financial #Quantitative #Analysis
#BioStatistics #OperationsResearch

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon-Global Digital CEOs Networks

Thanks to Matthew Dixon for sharing:

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