We asked ChatGPT: “How can #civilian #weather #balloon generated #navigation #maps be u. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7030583212057780224

We asked ChatGPT: How can #civilian #weather #balloon generated #navigation #maps be used to guide #military #drone #swarms?
Its response shows that the distinction between [civilian AND military] as well as [balloon and drone] is useless and MUST not be relied on for ALL C4I-Cyber ISR purposes particularly in #adversarial contexts wherein [civilian AND military] distinctions are arbitrary and specious.

C4I-Cyber.com: Beyond #Cyber #Security to Multi-Domain #C4I-#Cyber #Adversarial & #CounterAdversarial #Command-#Control which Really Matters: Related Latest #Journal #Articles:
IJKEM https://lnkd.in/gJQwgkra :
JIFM https://lnkd.in/gwmFB6zb :

It’s ALWAYS the QUESTION that Matters: https://lnkd.in/gW8wHGne :
AI Doesn’t Know how to ask #MEANINGFUL questions
[given its lack of #MEANING https://lnkd.in/eetCEAz
30-year R&D leading global practices on this core issue distinguishing AI & HI:
AI: https://lnkd.in/ec99Zkd :
HI: https://lnkd.in/et2wpKe ]

particularly about #FUTURE events or past e.g. #911 –

Contrast the question CNN asked ChatGPT: Was 9/11 an inside job [to us #exogenous vs #endogenous distinction is in the eyes of the #modeler] versus our auto-reflective (really #DEEP – applying Real #DNNs) question about the same event:
Why Knowledge Management Systems Fail https://lnkd.in/eX8ktnf :
Which became the R&D foundation https://lnkd.in/epx6zV3 for building Resilient Fail-Safe Self-Adaptive Complex Systems Practices over 25-Years: https://lnkd.in/gEBSkMzh :

Q. How can civilian weather balloon generated navigation maps be used to guide military drone swarms?

ChatGPT : Civilian weather balloon generated navigation maps can be used to guide military drone swarms in a similar way to how they are used for civilian drone swarms. The information collected by weather balloons can provide valuable data for navigation and guidance of drone swarms, and can be used to create detailed maps of the winds and thermal currents in the atmosphere.

Military drone swarms can use these maps in a similar manner to civilian drone swarms, integrating them into the drone swarm’s control algorithms or using them as a reference for real-time navigation. The use of weather balloon generated navigation maps can help military drone swarms to navigate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and extending flight time, while also avoiding obstacles and adverse weather conditions.

In addition, military drone swarms can benefit from the increased situational awareness provided by the weather balloon generated navigation maps. The maps can be used to identify potential threats, such as strong winds or turbulence that could impact the flight of the drones, and allow the swarm to avoid these areas and continue its mission.

Overall, civilian weather balloon generated navigation maps can provide a useful resource for military drone swarms, helping to increase their efficiency, reliability, and situational awareness in a variety of missions.

By arming each drone with its own sensors, researchers have created the first swarm capable of navigating a wide environment.
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