United States Space Force John Olson “Without Cyber, There is No Space.”: Without #Cybe. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7052680656018960384

United States Space Force John Olson “Without Cyber, There is No Space.”: Without #Cyber-#Space, No #Earth! https://lnkd.in/gm-2QZnd : C4I-Cyber™: C4I-Cyber.com: Because the Future of the World Depends Upon It™: Our readers already know of our #AI-#ML-#Quant-#Cyber-#Crypto-#Quantum-#Risk #Computing R&D focus on the #Electromagnetic #Spectrum and related #Earth-#Air-#Space-#Universe #Networks for over 10-years now. These #NETWORKS underpin #EVERYTHING connecting across #EVERYWHERE through ALL kind of #DIGITAL #NETWORKS on which #EXISTENTIAL #SURVIVAL of #HUMAN #RACE Depends in a #Networked-#Digital #Data-#Driven #World!

Examples discussed by the #Space #Major #General such as #Satellites, #GPS, #PNT (#Position, #Navigation, #Timing): https://lnkd.in/euWCMmX and related #Existential #Vulnerabilities are the focus of our feed, #National-#Global #Keynotes-#Panels-#Expert #Papers: https://lnkd.in/ecvGyKvB : SSRN: https://lnkd.in/ec99Zkd : Google: https://lnkd.in/eErtK5mU : YouTube: https://lnkd.in/gMR596dj :

#Pentagon #JointChiefs: Beyond #ABMS #JADC2 to #ABMS2 #JADCAC2:
The Joint Staff: United States Air Force: United States Space Force:

#Berlin, #Germany: #Space 4 #Women Plenary Keynote: #Quantum #PhD-#Engineers Expert: Moderator: US Air Force CTO: #USAF-#USSF: Beyond #ABMS-#JADC2: Faster-Better-Cheaper #ABMS2 #JADAC2-#JADCAC2: AI-Quantum Cyber-Crypto-#EMS #Network-#Centric #Computing with Autonomous Robots in Air-Space: https://lnkd.in/gVqiXXpG
SSRN https://lnkd.in/eHUnFBU

#NewYork: #C4I-Cyber #Command & #Control #Supremacy: Why It’s More Critical Than #AI-Quantum Supremacy: What You Can Do about It? Security in Post-COVID Virtual Era Beyond #Data-#Models-#Algorithms https://lnkd.in/eR2fJpW :
SSRN: https://lnkd.in/eidSUPE

#Investments in #Cyber-#Space are more critical to #human #civilization’s #survival-#sustainability such as compared to $100 Billion invested in #SelfDrivingCars that have yet to go anywhere: https://lnkd.in/e5-asuY and #Trillions in #wealth “transferred” through #Finance and #Tech sectors [e.g. #ZIRP and #NIRP #Interest #Rates https://lnkd.in/euWCMmX contributing to $50 #Trillion Wealth Transfer from Bottom 99% to Top 1% exacerbating global and national #Hunger and #Homelessness. Making #Interest #Rates #Normal ‘once again’ to beat #Inflation is recommended to tackle such issues while ensuring #UpSkilling & #Productive #Deployment of #HumanCapital!].

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