
Top #DHS official says to expect ‘every intelligence service’ to target #COVID19 research: ”
““You’re seeing a situation where a #hospital could be impacted and their #network’s offline, they can’t conduct #clinical #operations,” Krebs said. “It’s not as easy as just transferring those #patients to another hospital in this environment. You never know what you’re transferring and indeed if you have anything you can transfer to. So we’re absolutely seeing #destructive #attacks across the border right now.””
“He said #ransomware #attacks, in which the attacker locks up a system and demands payment to return access to the user, were a particular worry, and one that Americans could feel an immediate impact from. These types of attacks have become increasingly rampant over the past year, and have temporarily taken out the networks of #hospitals, #school #districts and major #city #governments.”
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