The Wall Street Journal: How More Than $1 #Trillion of #Crypto #Vanished in Just Six Mo. . .


The Wall Street Journal: How More Than $1 #Trillion of #Crypto #Vanished in Just Six Months: The helium is coming out of #bitcoin and other #cryptocurrencies as #investors shy away from [dumb] #risk: OLD NEWS AGAIN… See our related coverage, caution, and advice over the last year and more on all #Crypto and in particular #Bitcoin and #Blockchain #Cryptography #Protocols going back a decade or so:

March 10, 2021: Financial Times Why #Cryptocurrency Is In Fact #Not#Currency ”: :

2013: #Bitcoin #Protocol: #Model of ‘ #Cryptographic #Proof ’ Based #Global #Crypto-#Currency & #Electronic #Payments #System: PDF : HTML :

2014: #Future of #Bitcoin & #Statistical #Probabilistic #Quantitative #Methods: #Global #Financial #Regulation (Interview: Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) )

#Traders’ flight from #risky #investments has halved the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, wiping out more than $1 #trillion worth of #digital #money since November.

Wild swings are fairly common with cryptocurrencies, but even seasoned investors were left reeling as #bitcoin dropped 29% over a seven-day losing streak that just ended as a #stablecoin—one part of the crypto world that touted its #stability—unexpectedly crashed.

#Investors are staring at an #inflection point in the #financial #markets as #interest #rates rise and #inflation rages, and they are responding by selling #risky #assets.

For #crypto, it has been a #volatile journey into the depths.

Cryptocurrencies were falling even before last week, victims of sky-high #inflation. Bitcoin and other #digital #currencies have been talked about as #inflation #hedges. But the ripple effect has played out differently. Surging inflation is spurring the Federal Reserve System to raise #interest #rates faster, which investors believe will cause a slowdown in economic growth. The result: Investors are unloading risky assets, including cryptocurrencies.

Also exacerbating the losses is that #crypto #trading, originally an individual-investor game, is now dominated by #institutional #investors such as #hedgefunds. Those who have sought #diversification in crypto have been caught wrong-footed.

As the #price has moved lower, both individual and institutional investors alike have been bowing out. When #Coinbase reported its first-quarter results late Tuesday, it revealed it is hemorrhaging users. By the end of trading Thursday, Coinbase’s stock was 82% below where it closed after its first day of trading just over a year ago.

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