The Griffiss Cyberspace™: Pioneering Cyber Finance™ Spanning Wall. . .


The Griffiss Cyberspace™: Pioneering Cyber Finance™ Spanning Wall Street and National Cyber Defense: Future of Cyber Risk Spans Wall Street Hedge Funds & DoD-AFRL.

Did you notice Cyber-Crypto Security underlying every single digital layer of IoT in the latest Gartner infographic attached below? Of late, Gartner among many others are coming to the following realization we published 5 years ago.

Almost all risks characterizing today’s information-based financial products and services, financial markets, financial exchanges, financial currencies, and financial economies are however first and foremost Information risks and Cyber risks. Such Information risks and Cyber risks may not only escalate traditional risks but may also subsume traditional financial risks as brick-and-mortar institutions such as NYSE ‘trading floors’ become ‘museums of financial history’.
— Dr. Yogesh Malhotra on the launch of The Griffiss Cyberspace™,
Summer 2013, Griffiss Cyberspace™, Rome, New York, U.S.A.

World’s Top-Ranked AI-Algorithms-Machine Learning & Cybersecurity Applied R&D Practices Program:
The Griffiss Cyberspace™: Pioneering Cyber Finance™ .

#CyberFinance #FinTech #InternetOfThings #Cybersecurity #Cryptography #Encryption

The Griffiss Cyberspace™: Pioneering Cyber Finance™ Spanning Wall Street and National Cyber Defense: Future of Cyber Risk Spans Wall Street Hedge Funds &…
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Silicon Valley's 'Next Big Thing': "Do Something Epic: Save the World™": "Venture capitalist Roger McNamee recently implored Silicon Valley to embrace human-driven social networks that empower rather than exploit users as the Next Big Thing. Having pioneered such networks, we were invited to guide Silicon Valley three decades or so ago on building Digital enterprises for the Wild Wild Web*. Today, we are ready to again lead Silicon Valley to further advance human-driven technologies in collaboration with the AFRL..." - Dr. Yogesh Malhotra, Founder, AWS-Quantum Valley™: Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: YM-ABC™: : :