#Tesla #AI Leader Leaves: Why #AI #Autopilot #Driven #Cars #Crash:”” The Associated P. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6953127224279535616

#Tesla #AI Leader Leaves: Why #AI #Autopilot #Driven #Cars #Crash:
The Associated Press: #Teslas on #Autopilot #crash more than rivals: #Data likely shows: https://lnkd.in/gr9QVxxn: #NHTSA: Tesla’s figure and its #crash #rate per 1,000 #vehicles was substantially higher than the corresponding numbers for other #automakers.: #Tesla #AI leader announces he’s leaving the company:

Princeton University Presentations:
Why #AI #Autopilot #Driven #Cars #Crash More:
#WhySystemsFail: #ControlDoctrine:
#QuantumUncertainty #TimeSpaceCompelxity:

R&D Ranked for Impact Among #AI#Quant #NobelLaureates:

Princeton University (3rd Presentation in the Series)
#AI, #MachineLearning & #DeepLearning #RiskManagement & #Controls: Beyond Deep Learning and #Generative #Adversarial #Networks: #ModelRisk Management in #AI, #ML & #DL:
(Presentation Slides): https://lnkd.in/e_7sqj4 :

We will focus on the #control #problem which is a critical prerequisite for #AI #systems to have positive impacts by further developing upon my prior two presentations that pioneered #Cyber-#Finance-#Trust™ #Model #Risk #Management & #Model #Risk #Arbitrage™ practices at prior Princeton Quant Trading Conferences… The presentation generates interesting insights about the most #critical #role of #risk #management #controls. Such role of #risk management #controls is most critical in not only getting the #best out of #AI, but also ensuring that the #worst #fears about the #AI do not really come true.

Princeton University (2nd Presentation in the Series):
Beyond #Model #RiskManagement to #ModelRisk #Arbitrage for #FinTech Era: How to Navigate ‘#Uncertainty’…When ‘#Models’ Are ‘Wrong’…And Knowledge’…‘Imperfect’!
#Risk, #Uncertainty, & #Profit Beyond #ZIRP & #NIRP:
https://lnkd.in/dJ-Gnxx :

The current presentation advances upon last two decades of our #applied and #industrial #research and global practices on post-WWW era #risk management and #modeling #frameworks of #uncertainty and #riskmanagement. We build upon our research and practices on designing #self-#adaptive #complex #systems for high velocity hyper-turbulent environments characterized by high #uncertainty.

Princeton University (1st Presentation in the Series):
#Future of #Finance Beyond #FlashBoys: #Risk #Modeling for Managing #Uncertainty in an Increasingly #NonDeterministic #Cyber World:

Based upon review of risk modeling practices and exponentially increasing Cyber era uncertainty, we advance practices of #risk #modeling and #uncertainty management to enable them to meet the needs of #Cyber-#Finance which is the emerging Future of Finance. We help Finance researchers and practitioners recognize that the current mainstream focus of #financial #risk #modeling is on the metaphorical ‘tip’ of the iceberg, with significant #risks that may not readily meet the human eye.

AWS Partner-NYS Cloud VC-PE: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon: Global Risk Management Network LLC

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