#Taiwan #RepublicOfChina: #China #Democracy Alternative to #CCP #Autocracy?””https://…

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6811687557202628608

#Taiwan #RepublicOfChina: #China #Democracy Alternative to #CCP #Autocracy?
https://lnkd.in/gcr3KPW : https://lnkd.in/g3c7S3k :

When #Communist #Chinese forces began shelling islands controlled by #Taiwan in 1958, #American #military #leaders pushed for a first-use #nuclear #strike on #China: https://lnkd.in/e2UghSB
#Ellsberg #Taiwan 1958: https://lnkd.in/ecp7U5U :

#China’s #Invasion of #Taiwan ROC for #Global #Logic #Chip #Monopoly & #Global #Chip #Supremacy:
https://lnkd.in/gGfYBJs :
“China’s Government is lending the #semiconductor industry the same #strategic #importance it gave to its #atomic #bomb #program… in the race to dominate the mother of all cutting-edge technologies… #custom #made #logic #chips… so without #TSMC, you will not be able to have chips in your #Iphones and you will not have chips for your #F35 #aircraft #fighter #jets that US flies… so it will be a very different world.”
#TaiwanInvasion: https://lnkd.in/etxxC5t

#US #Taiwan #Invasion #Prevention #Act: https://lnkd.in/ezSACBb:
“To authorize the President to use military force for the purpose of securing and defending Taiwan against armed attack, and for other purposes.”

Guidance To The Joint Staff
#ABMS #JADC2 #Air #Space #Cyberspace #EMS #Strategy #Execution
https://lnkd.in/eJ2Mt2D :
#F35: ‘A computer that happens to fly.’ ”
“The USA, currently under unprecedented #semiconductor #chip #shortage… needing immediate action and response.”

#CCP vs. The #World: And the Clock is Ticking:

#Pentagon #Asia nominee, #ElyRatner: https://lnkd.in/e3chKHH : “Chinese invasion of Taiwan is a real concern…”

#Air #Battle Rages Around #Taiwan As U.S. And #Chinese #Forces Train For #War:

#China Targets #Taiwan, #US As 36 #Warplanes Buzz Island in 72 Hours:

‘If they take #Taiwan, it’s all over’ – #NikkiHaley, Former #US #Ambassador to #UnitedNations: https://lnkd.in/gU3iEvS

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon Digital Pioneer

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