#Science : #DATA = #GIGO: “The researchers did NOT discover actual life forms…” as reported: yet the whole W. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6711442119141195776

#Science : #DATA = #GIGO: The researchers did NOT discover actual life forms… as reported: yet the whole WWW is filled with such reports… The article heading jumps to the CONCLUSION even though it’s not established by specific DATA reported: Potential sign of alien life detected on inhospitable Venus: Scientists said on Monday they have detected in the harshly acidic clouds of Venus a gas called phosphine… The international scientific team first spotted the phosphine using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii and confirmed it using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array radio telescope in Chile. The scientist’s reported narrative further adds to the above equivocality instead of making it any less ambiguous: With what we currently know of Venus, the MOST PLAUSIBLE explanation for phosphine, as fantastical as it might sound, is life, [HOWEVER] I should emphasize that LIFE, AS AN EXPLANATION for our discovery, SHOULD BE, AS ALWAYS, THE LAST RESORT. (THEN WHY IS IT REPORTED AS THE MOST PLAUSIBLE FIRST RESORT!). This is important because, IF it is phosphine, AND IF it is life, it means that we are not alone… The statement clearly implies If it is life, it means we are not alone… (CONCLUSION) regardless of if it is phosphine (DATA)…

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