
Ruling #Uncertainty: Beyond #Chess to #Air #Space #CyberSpace #MultiDomain #Strategy: #HumanCentered #AI Pioneered 25-Yrs Ago: :

The chess board with its static 8 x 8 configuration of black and white squares with a half-dozen types of actors moving based on pre-determined and pre-defined rules encapsulates in it the old world of business that can be programmed into the memory of a supercomputer with the aid of massive databases containing historical information. However, such conception of `knowledge discovery’ systems seems to be a poor base for defining the logic of enterprises that need to radically redefine the game as well as the rules governing it to leverage the most high return business opportunities.

United States Air Force Air Force Research Laboratory Griffiss Institute #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AGI #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Computing #C4I

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