#QuantumComputing: #ErrorCorrection: A fault-tolerant non-Clifford gate for the. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6670749425687687168

#QuantumComputing: #ErrorCorrection: A fault-tolerant non-Clifford gate for the surface code in two dimensions: PDF: https://lnkd.in/exMh8c5 : HTML: https://lnkd.in/eaAjq2Z: ”
“This paper reports development of a type of error-correcting code for quantum computers to free up more hardware to do useful calculations while providing for design of better quantum microchips.”
““Your mobile phone or laptop will perform billions of operations over many years before a single error triggers a blank screen or some other malfunction. Current quantum operations are lucky to have fewer than one error for every 20 operations — and that means millions of errors an hour.””
“Most of the building blocks in today’s experimental quantum computers — quantum bits or qubits — are taken up by “overhead” of error correction. ”
“The paper proposes “a new option for performing fault-tolerant gates, which has the potential to greatly reduce overhead and bring practical quantum computing closer.””
“More on #Quantum #Computing & #Quantum #Cryptography: AIMLExchange.com: QUANT-QUANTUM: https://lnkd.in/eUMSZGp”
#Princeton #Presentations: #QuantumComputing #QuantumCryptography #AI #ML #GANs: ModelRiskArbitrage.com :

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