
#Predatory #Private #Interests vs. #Public #Interests: #Deja #Vu All Over Again?: #Ackman #CNBC Interview: :
#Congress #Insider #Trading Scandal: .

All such #raves & #rants by #Public #Figures in #Public #Media INTENDED to INFLUENCE #Markets by such #traders & representatives #must result in immediate #freezing & #audit of real #private #interest (e.g. #securities, #long & #short) vs. proclaimed #public #interest: Let the #Truth Stand Up for #Justice.

While governments confiscate and penalize the #Predators of #Global #Human #Death and #Suffering practicing #Parasitic #Capitalism, one can not turn a blind eye to #Public #Figures #Publicly #Influencing #Markets from benefiting in millions and billions in #intangible #assets compared to the small fry trying to make a buck on #handsanitizers and #toiletpapers.

Griffiss Institute AFRL Commercialization Academy Ventures:
Global Risk Management Network LLC: Rome, N.Y., U.S.A.: AFRL-CA Ventures: C4I-Cyber™ & AIMLExchange™:

#AIMLExchange We create the Digital Future™:
Saving CEO-CxO Teams 90% Time & Cost: Building Digital Companies:

#C4I-Cyber™: Because the Future of the World Depends Upon It™:
#Command & #Control (CC), Adversarial CC, Counter-Adversarial CC.

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