
#NYS: #SUNY, #CUNY to Go to #Distance #Learning March 19th: Cuomo says #students encouraged to leave dorms at that time: There will be no in-person classes at SUNY and CUNY schools on March 19th, says #Governor #Cuomo: Cuomo announced at a Wednesday news conference the #public #university #system will shift to distance learning to help reduce density of campuses, thus lessening the #risk of #coronavirus spreading. While the #risk to New Yorkers remains low, we are taking a number of steps out of an abundance of caution to protect public health including asking SUNY and CUNY to implement strategies to #reduce #density on #campuses for the remainder of the semester, Governor Cuomo said. At the same time, we’re continuing to prioritize ramping up #testing capacity because the more people you identify as having the #virus, the better you can contain it. We’re also leading by example and providing paid leave to all state workers who are quarantined as a result of the virus – and we encourage businesses to voluntarily do #telecommuting to the extent possible. Again I want to remind people to keep this in perspective: the facts do not justify the fear in this situation and the facts here should actually reduce anxiety.

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