
#NLP for #AGI: #LanguageOfThought and #Einstein: MIT AI-Machine Learning Executive Guide: :
Having known to read, write, and, speak five different human languages spanning East and West and having programmed in a dozen or two (or more) programming languages, I often think if human mind has a language of its own — a latent sub-conscious ‘language of thought’ — unencumbered by the constraints of space and time and often ‘multi-processing’ simultaneously in non-linear parallel and sequential modes at a speed faster than light. Think about that when thinking of NLP for AGI!

#AlbertEinstein on the #LanguageOfThought:
#Intuition, #Inspiration, #Imagination

I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am. I am enough of the artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. At times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the reason. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research. – Albert Einstein

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