
New #Enterprise #Logic of #Customer #Relationships: Beyond #KPI to #CPI: :”
“Many know #Shoshana #Zuboff as author of The #Age of #Surveillance #Capitalism: Her latest best-seller is based on a more #central #concern of #Digital #Consumers: #Self #Determination, the focus of her prior book.”
“‘A growing ‘chasm’ separates #consumers and the #adversarial #buyer #seller #practices of #commerce. #CRM #systems focusing on #maximizing #transaction #values are “ultimately doomed.” In response, #Zuboff and Maxmin (2002) have outlined the contours of the new enterprise logic based upon #relationship #economics.” Their paradigm recognizes the critical need for satisfying ‘new’ consumers’ needs for #psychological #self #determination while treating them as the origin of all #value. By situating the proposed construct within #technology #acceptance research, we outline how future #CRM implementation research can benefit from better understanding about #consumers#perceptions and #behaviors.'”
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A growing number of organizations are becoming more customer-centric by adopting, measuring, and optimizing CPIs ? Customer Performance Indicators. These are the metrics that customers care about, as opposed to the ones that the company cares most about. Examples might include how fast customers can get a pricing quote, or getting a ?first-time resolution? on a customer service call, or having a grocery delivery with ?nothing broken.? While these examples may not be metrics that companies have traditionally tracked, they?re what customers actually care about. And by tracking what?s important to customers, companies have better visibility into actions they can take to improve customer outcomes, which directly impact business performance. It?s ironic in an age where so many companies proclaim to be customer-centric, customer-first, or customer-obsessed that most still focus only on company-centric metrics. Companies that transform to adopt CPIs ? and the customer-centric culture and practices that CPIs engender ? will increasingly outperform competitors and be better optimized for accelerated, differentiated, and defensible growth.
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Silicon Valley's 'Next Big Thing': "Do Something Epic: Save the World™": "Venture capitalist Roger McNamee recently implored Silicon Valley to embrace human-driven social networks that empower rather than exploit users as the Next Big Thing. Having pioneered such networks, we were invited to guide Silicon Valley three decades or so ago on building Digital enterprises for the Wild Wild Web*. Today, we are ready to again lead Silicon Valley to further advance human-driven technologies in collaboration with the AFRL..." - Dr. Yogesh Malhotra, Founder, AWS-Quantum Valley™: Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: YM-ABC™: : :