Network-Centric Meaning-Driven Human-Centric AI-Cyber Computing Beyond Data-Driven to E. . .


Network-Centric Meaning-Driven Human-Centric AI-Cyber Computing Beyond Data-Driven to Event-Driven Architectures for Quantum Uncertainty, 1995-2023: :

Building on global discussion on #GPT, #ChatGPT, #GenAI, LLMs, we help you advance beyond the #AIHype – on both #dystopian and #utopian extremes – to focus on latest #AI #EventDriven #Architectures such as in #AIOps, #MLOPs, #DevSecOps, #Infrastructure As #Code, #Configuration As Code, #Platform As Code, #Pipeline As Code for building #CloudComputing #AI-#Agility and #Cyber-#Resilience #Sustainability focus of our 2022 New York State Cybersecurity Conference presentation as AWS Partner. With increasing Digitization of #Networks as #Code, we help ‘#Hardware’, ‘#Software’ and other ‘#Computing’ providers and practitioners advance beyond legacy models of computing to latest Cloud-based Networked Computing #Utility models. Our 30-year R&D focus on #NetworkCentricComputing from both Socio-technical and #Systems #Engineering perspectives spans the schisms presented by Claude Shannon’s #InformationTheory in how AI-ML enabled #InformationProcessing and #SenseMaking can occur across both Socio-technical and Computing-#Telecom #Networks*.

• Should we be afraid of latest AI such as Generative AI and ban such R&D?
– No! Such R&D must continue by dispelling the myths being spun about AI.

• Does AI have the capability or capacity of posing existential risk to humans?
– No! But Humans with vested interest in exploiting other Humans do!

• Does AI have intelligence to take over control of humans & destroy them?
– No! But Humans with vested interest in exploiting other Humans do!

• What can be done for dispelling the AI myths to make real progress?
– Having already advanced beyond such myths, we focus on saving all 90% time, cost, & resources by our focus on Science & Scientific R&D driven Zero-Hype practices.
– We share our learning and freely accessible R&D leading global practices with all in order to help you advance beyond the AI-Hype in making real progress for the human civilization and humanity at large.

* There has been an over-concentration on Shannon’s definition of information in terms of uncertainty (a very good definition for the original purposes) with little attempt to understand how MEANING directs a message in a network. This, combined with a concentration on end-points (equilibria) rather than properties of the trajectory (move sequence) in games has led to a very unsatisfactory treatment of the dynamics of organizations. – #AI-#GeneticAlgorithms pioneer Dr. John H. Holland, then at the Santa Fe Institute (personal communication, June 21, 1995) :

Source: Malhotra, Y., Expert Systems for Knowledge Management: Crossing the Chasm between Information Processing and Sense Making, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 20(1), 7-16, 2001.

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon Networks: AWS-Quantum Valley

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Silicon Valley's 'Next Big Thing': "Do Something Epic: Save the World™": "Venture capitalist Roger McNamee recently implored Silicon Valley to embrace human-driven social networks that empower rather than exploit users as the Next Big Thing. Having pioneered such networks, we were invited to guide Silicon Valley three decades or so ago on building Digital enterprises for the Wild Wild Web*. Today, we are ready to again lead Silicon Valley to further advance human-driven technologies in collaboration with the AFRL..." - Dr. Yogesh Malhotra, Founder, AWS-Quantum Valley™: Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: YM-ABC™: : :