June 14 1997: #AI: Recurring ‘Deaths’ & ‘Springs’ of #AI: 23-Years: “The victory of #DeepBlue over #Kasparov h. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6702578558822338560

June 14 1997: #AI: Recurring ‘Deaths’ & ‘Springs’ of #AI: 23-Years: The victory of #DeepBlue over #Kasparov has added a new twist to the ongoing debate on the #technocentric characterization of #KnowledgeManagement. It is my apprehension that an over-emphasis on #technology, without adequate attention to the organizational #environment and the relevant #human factors, may cause a #backlash. Although, it is well recognized that most information technologies need to be adroitly utilized to deliver #performance expectations, yet there seems to be more emphasis on the ‘brawn power’ of technology than on the ‘brain’ needed to effectively deploy that ‘brawn power.’ [More at: https://lnkd.in/eAQgG2q ]. For instance, the victory of #DeepBlue reemphasizes the thinking that #technology can be effectively utilized for solving complex tasks within #bounded and #predictable problem spaces. However, most #emergent problems of organizations are overwhelming ‘bounded’ problem spaces. Moreover, most organizations are being challenged with #unpredictable and previously #unanticipated problems and are striving to come up to the challenge…: https://lnkd.in/ecKW_iz .

How can #organizations gear up to thrive and succeed when faced with #unbounded, #unpredictable, and #nonlinear problem spaces?

June 14 1997: #AI: Recurring 'Deaths' & 'Springs' of #AI: 23-Years: "The victory of #DeepBlue over #Kasparov has added a new twist to the ongoing debate on the…
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