
Hypersonic Missiles Are a Game Changer, So Everyone Wants Them?
#DecisionMaking #Time #Space #Uncertainty #Risk #HumanFactor

If past is prologue, #deployment of the #systems is going to take place well before their #ramifications are fully understood.

At a moment like this, the stakes are high, and the #time frame for #decisionmaking is extremely compressed. Throw in exhaustion, intense emotions and #uncertainty about the other side’s intentions, and you have a seriously volatile situation.

If the contending parties are armed with #hypersonic #missiles, the #timeframe for deciding what to do is even shorter, and the #uncertainty about what your enemy is targeting and the nature of an incoming warhead — is it nuclear or conventional? — is virtually total.

If #strategic air forces did come into play, it would only be to ensure #mutualdestruction.

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No existing defenses can stop such weapons ? which is why everyone wants them.
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