Human-Centered AI, Human-Centered Digital Search and Human-Centered Digital Networks Pi. . .


Human-Centered AI, Human-Centered Digital Search and Human-Centered Digital Networks Pioneer Asks to Advance Human-Centered World Wide Web: #BeyondChatGPT: Beyond #ChatGPT: :
#Human #Centered #ArtificialIntelligence #Digital #Search #Social #Networks, #WorldWideWeb #Networks #Science #Engineering: “Only if knowledge could come in nice little packets LABELED ‘insights'”. The 1996 event was Carnegie Mellon University Industry.Net Awards []. The world’s Top Digital Search Engines were featured with our Digital ventures –, and – under their original name – ‘A Business Researcher’s Interests’*. Our Search Engine – later named #BRINT® ranked for pioneering Human-Centered Digital Search between #Lycos and #DEC’s #AltaVista.

Since then AI, Search, Social Networks, and WWW have come a long way. This week we have the latest demos by Microsoft about integrating the above capabilities in their WWW browser. Congratulations!:
CNET: New Microsoft AI-Powered Bing Revealed (Full Demo): :

However, given that we have been seeing text summarization, text comparison, and code-conversion for decades, what is truly revolutionary?

Are we really focusing on most critical pain points of our users – what users “need” (‘marketing’) or pitching (‘selling’) what we can gather to punch the numbers on the ticker tape as we reflect evolving our human-centered network-centric computing Digital ventures: : for era of unprecedented and greatest Dynamic and Adversarial Uncertainty.

* They subsequently became world’s top-ranked first, foremost, and largest global #Digital #Transformation #Network including Computerworld-ranked Top Digital Site and the first, foremost, and largest global #KnowledgeManagement #Network including the WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management, a part of the WWW Virtual Library project founded by Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. Google would come to us before its IPO in early 2000s to build upon our worldwide stature as the Top Digital Site, Top Search Engine and Top Digital Transformation Network, as would IBM and Intel Corporation too. Early adopters CEOs-CxOs of our networks included Goldman Sachs, Microsoft [Founder-CEO Bill Gates would write about BRINT® on his corporate home page and also in his best-selling business best-seller of that era. PwC Vice-Chairman and Chief Knowledge Officer Ellen Knapp would list BRINT® as the go to resource in Fast Company interview which would write about us: ‘Nerds Need Apply’, Apr 30, 2000: “If @brint doesn’t have it, then you probably don’t need it.”

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon Networks: CNY-Quantum Valley

Silicon Valley’s Next Big Thing™: CEO-CTO-CFO Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: Join The CxO Metaverse™

C4I-Cyber Quantum Valley-SiliconValley Digital Pioneer USAF-USSF Ventures Engineering Sustainability

Daron Acemoglu & Simon Johnson worry that the technology will be deployed to replace, rather than empower, humans.
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Silicon Valley's 'Next Big Thing': "Do Something Epic: Save the World™": "Venture capitalist Roger McNamee recently implored Silicon Valley to embrace human-driven social networks that empower rather than exploit users as the Next Big Thing. Having pioneered such networks, we were invited to guide Silicon Valley three decades or so ago on building Digital enterprises for the Wild Wild Web*. Today, we are ready to again lead Silicon Valley to further advance human-driven technologies in collaboration with the AFRL..." - Dr. Yogesh Malhotra, Founder, AWS-Quantum Valley™: Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: YM-ABC™: : :