How to Get $60 Million Without Enrolling in Stanford BS Computer Sc.: “Palicha and Vohr. . .


How to Get $60 Million Without Enrolling in Stanford BS Computer Sc.: Palicha and Vohra — who have been friends since they were eight years old — were living in Dubai last year when they were #admitted to Stanford University’s vaunted computer science engineering program. After #attending #online #orientation they decided to head to Mumbai #instead to be #entrepreneurs, according to Palicha.

Latest #Elon #Musk aligned #Strategy which makes observations about diminishing credibility of formal #university #degrees [a subject which has been discussed on this feed earlier]:… watch carefully how this story evolves into the specific founders who never really went to Stanford or enrolled in any of its courses demonstrating any credits taken… being branded as Stanford dropouts… sometimes even not differentiated from Stanford graduates who successfully completed all course requirements … viral media does viral wonders…: :

Old-fashioned way, as used by Mark Zuckerburg, was to actually *enroll* in a world’s top-ranked educational program, compete with other top candidates taking most rigorous *courses* for *credits*, studying with great *professors* [ such as Andrew Ng ] upholding the most *rigorous standards* while ensuring that you meet all criteria for *graduation* from such programs… or drop out in midst… such as to launch Facebook.

Latest *entrepreneurial* way is to get a *letter of admission* into **any of such programs**… and attend respective remote online orientation sitting across the world, say, in Dubai… and then use that program’s name, without even *enrolling* in it or taking any of its *courses* for *credit* to brand oneself as Ivy League or similar dropout as plenty of VCs would pitch double digit million dollars for a quick exit with double-digit gains?

For Academic Scholars: Don’t You Have to ‘Drop In’ to ‘Drop Out’: What is the likelihood of receiving similar VC funding without using the name of the School from which admission letter (BS Comp. Sc., Stanford) was received by a founder who never really enrolled in or successfully completed *any* *course* of *study* from that program or *any other equivalent program* (BS Comp. Sc., Anywhere).

It is not atypical for such ‘top-name programs’ where entering class of students in such programs numbers in hundreds… to send letters of admissions to hundreds more than the hundreds that finally decide to enroll… compared to much more highly selective and equally or even more rigorous programs where the selection rate is less than 10% compared to some such ‘top-name programs’!

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How to Get $60 Million Without Enrolling in Stanford BS Computer Sc.: "Palicha and Vohra -- who have been friends since they were eight years old -- were…
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