How to Be #Happy: Learn from #Happiest People: #Finland AND Worldwide: The Finnish way . . .


How to Be #Happy: Learn from #Happiest People: #Finland AND Worldwide: The Finnish way of #life is summed up in “#sisu,” a trait said to be part of the national #character. The word roughly translates to “#grim #determination in the face of #hardships,” such as the country’s long winters: Even in #adversity, a Finn is expected to #persevere, without complaining.” – Frank Martela: :

This blog article is dedicated to my #Finnish #friend in #Helsinki, Finland, in whose company I was again privileged to be last night, over an overnight meeting.
#Life is a #Journey, Not a #Destination, Don’t #Worry, Be #Happy: :

“When you know what is enough, you are happy.” – Arto O Salonen. “‘Happiness,’ sometimes it’s a light word and used like it’s only a smile on a face, But I think that this #Nordic #happiness is something more foundational.” – Teemu Kiiski. “We are very privileged and we know our privilege, so we are also scared to say that we are discontent with anything, because we know that we have it so much better than other people.” “Being sad or being not content with our life would be seen as ungrateful.”

“I enjoy the #peace and #movement in #nature,” said Helina Marjamaa, 66, a former track athlete who represented the country at the 1980 and 1984 #OlympicGames. “That’s where I get #strength. #Birds are #singing, #snow is #melting, and #nature is coming to #life. It’s just incredibly #beautiful.”

How COVID Helped Me Discover What Makes Me Happiest: Sweating in #SubZero #Temperatures #Snow #Trekking, #Marvelling at the #QuantumUncertainty in Stack on Stack of Snow amidst Never Ending #Dance of #Nature, #Sun, #Moon, #Sky and #Wind!: As #RogerPenrose shares doing daily morning on his way to the #London #Tube: : #Mindfulness: Outside-The-Box: Embracing the #Quantum #Universe:

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Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated

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The Nordic nation has been ranked the happiest country on earth for six consecutive years. But when you talk to individual Finns, the reality is a bit more complicated.
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