How #Bitcoin #Crypto Enable #Global #Cyber #Ransomware #Crimes: Bloomberg LP: #Crypto #…


How #Bitcoin #Crypto Enable #Global #Cyber #Ransomware #Crimes: Bloomberg LP: #Crypto #Scams, Rug Pulls, #Bitcoin #Hacks: ‘A decade after Bitcoin was created, #regulators are still grappling with how to police #cryptocurrencies when the whole point is that they operate without #governments or central banks. As more #institutions and ordinary investors dip their toes into crypto, new #scams are bound to emerge. The bad guys often cover their tracks by blending identifiable cryptocurrencies with anonymous ones, an old money-laundering maneuver known as “mixing” or “blending.” They engage in “peel chains,” which involve skimming a little crypto here, a little there, and routing it to different digital wallets on different exchanges.’

The Wall Street Journal: #Bitcoin: #Bitcoin “Enables” #Ransomware & #MoneyLaundering Crimes: The Preferred Instrument of Global Cyber-Criminals: ‘Just as the taxman forces you to use dollars to pay your taxes, #electronic #ransom demands have been set in bitcoin, forcing companies, individuals and even some governments to use the #cryptocurrency if they wish to regain control of their computer systems… Only when its #anonymity and international nature help enough to offset these disadvantages, such as in #evading #moneylaundering laws, #taxes and #capital #controls, is it much used. The rest of #bitcoin #trading is #speculation and #exchange #arbitrage.’

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon-Worldwide Digital Pioneer: Followed by US-Worldwide #Corporations, #Governments, and, #Institutions for tracking and managing global #Digital, #Banking, #Finance, #FinTech, #AI #ML #DL, #Quant, #Cyber, #Crypto, #Quantum #risks since the beginning of the WWW:

Pioneering #Global #Digital #Financial and #FinTech #Transformations: Worldwide Clients-Patrons that have benefited from, featured, or recommended our R&D, Ventures, Services include: Google, IBM, Intel Corporation, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, CFA Institute, PRMIA – Professional Risk Managers’​ International Association, among others such as #BigBanks and NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation (NSF), United Nations, and, #US and #World #Governments: :

Pioneering Global #FinTech #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Architectures

Goldman Sachs & J.P. Morgan:

Princeton University .

Swiss Federal Administration: Switzerland National FinTech Transformation:


GIBC Digital: #Global #FinTech #Blockchain #Crypto #Digital #ID Expert: :

#NewYorkState: #CyberFinance:

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants:

#Bitcoin #Protocol: Model of ‘Cryptographic Proof’ Based
Global Crypto-Currency: .

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon-Worldwide Digital Pioneer

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