Harvard Business Review #Life & #Time are precious, respect others’ as you would yours’…

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6825194017442066432

Harvard Business Review #Life & #Time are precious, respect others’ as you would yours’: #Meetings #ColdCalls #Communication

As people begin to re-emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, we?re all bound to get more networking invitations and requests for our time. We all face a unique opportunity to reset how we invest our time. In our ultra-connected lives, if we don?t clear space for what is most essential, our aspirations will take a backseat to our inboxes. So rather than begrudgingly agreeing to meet someone or endlessly postponing social plans that you?re less than enthusiastic about, know that there are alternatives. It?s all about thinking through the values you want to bring to your work life.
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