
Gartner: The Data Center is Dead: By 2025, 80% of enterprises will have shut down their traditional data center, versus 10% today.

Key impacts:

Workload Placement is Key Driver of Digital Infrastructure Delivery:
>I&O leaders begin to build IT strategies with a focus on application portfolio, rather than on the physical infrastructure, moving away from traditional IT-architecture-driven decisions toward a service-driven strategy.

An Ecosystem is Required to Enable Scalable, Agile Infrastructures
>Deployment of distributed digital infrastructure begins by agreeing on business-related benefits that can be attained for each application workload and its associated data. 

Distributed Digital Infrastructure Management is Key Enabler for I&O’s Transition to Digital Business
>In distributed environments with hybrid mix of sourcing and architectures, physical location of asset (or process) will not be as clearly defined, and yet its attributes, performance, KPIs and cost will have an increasingly important impact on how I&O delivers services. 

IT Talent Management and Retraining Are Critical Success Factors
>I&O leaders must develop their staff skills to deliver against the business demand, amid a new and unfamiliar level of infrastructure complexity.

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