Exponential Growth in #Complexity of #Networked #Interactive #Vulnerabilities: Two decades ago, #Windows shipp. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6791397474788483072

Exponential Growth in #Complexity of #Networked #Interactive #Vulnerabilities: Two decades ago, #Windows shipped with 60,000 known #bugs. Over interim 20-years, we saw exponential rise in #Vulnerabilities & #Attacks given exponential rise in #Interconnectedness & #Interactivity fueled by #LeanStartup: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2 : leading some to scale back #Automatic #Default #Interconnectedness & #Interactivity in #Systems & #Applications.

What #Digital #ECommerce Pioneers saw as #Frictionless #Commerce, #Cybersecurity #Pioneers saw as Exponential Rise in #Networked #Vulnerabilities & #Attack #Surfaces. Having built global Digital #platforms enabling global reach for companies such as Google and led 32 National Science Foundation (NSF) panels funding multi-million #SBIR #STTR grants building US #CyberComputing and #CyberSecurity leadership then, I could see both.

Our latest Air Force Research Laboratory-United States Air Force ventures AIMLExchange.com C4I-Cyber.com advance the #Global #Advanced #Battle #Management #System (Beyond #ABMS #JADC2 to #ABMS2 #JADAC2 #JADCAC2 ) and #ControlDoctrine to counter #UnrestrictedWarfare .

Global Risk Management Network LLC: AIMLExchange™: C4I-Cyber™: AI-Quant-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum Leader

Thanks to Nicolas M. Chaillan for sharing:

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