Executing the Alternative View of #AI: #NetworkCentric #Computing: “”Where #Social-#T. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7072765866806841344

Executing the Alternative View of #AI: #NetworkCentric #Computing:
Where #Social-#Technical #Economics #Networks Meet #ComputerScience:
30-Years R&D Leading Worldwide #Networks #Computing-#Engineering:
#State of #NewYork #Cybersecurity #Presentation: #NetworkCentric #Meaning-#Driven #HumanCentric #AI-#Cyber #Computing Beyond #Data-#Driven to #Event-#Driven #Architectures for #Quantum #Uncertainty, 1995-2023: https://lnkd.in/gYCJv_tD : “With increasing Digitization of Networks as Code, we help world’s global ‘#Hardware’, ‘#Software’ and other ‘#Computing’ providers and practitioners advance beyond legacy models of computing to latest #Cloud-based #Networked #Computing #Utility models. Our 30-year Network-Centric Computing R&D on both Socio-technical and Systems Engineering perspectives spans the schisms presented by #Claude #Shannon’s #InformationTheory in how #Data-Driven AI-ML enabled #InformationProcessing & #Uncertainty-#Complexity driven #Sense Making occurs across both Socio-Technical and #Computing-#Telecom #Networks*.”

Source: Malhotra, Y., Expert Systems for #KnowledgeManagement: Crossing the Chasm between #InformationProcessing and #SenseMaking, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 20(1), 2001.: https://lnkd.in/eetCEAz .

University of California, Berkeley: Michael Jordan:
“Swarms of ants are intelligent, in the sense that they can build ant hills and share food, even though each individual ant is not thinking about hills or sharing,” Jordan says. “#Economists have taken this perspective further, with their focus on the tasks accomplished by markets. Accomplishing those tasks is by some definition a reflection of intelligence. A market that brings food into, say, New York every day is an intelligent entity. It’s akin to a #brain, and it’s important to remember that a brain is a loosely coupled collection of #neurons that are each performing relatively simple functions. Analogously, a bunch of #loosely #coupled #decisions made by #producers, #suppliers, and #consumers constitute a #market that is a form of intelligence. A grand challenge is to marry this kind of intelligence with the form of intelligence that arises from learning from data.”

#Intelligence is notoriously hard to define, but when most people (including computer scientists) think about it, they construe it on the #model of #human #intelligence: an #information-#processing capacity that allows an #autonomous #agent to act upon the world.

“A #good #engineer is supposed to think about the overall goal of the #system you’re building. If your overall goal is diffuse — create intelligence, and somehow it will solve problems — that’s not good enough.”

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In a plenary talk, the Berkeley professor and Distinguished Amazon Scholar will argue that AI research should borrow concepts from economics and focus on social collectives.
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Silicon Valley's 'Next Big Thing': "Do Something Epic: Save the World™": "Venture capitalist Roger McNamee recently implored Silicon Valley to embrace human-driven social networks that empower rather than exploit users as the Next Big Thing. Having pioneered such networks, we were invited to guide Silicon Valley three decades or so ago on building Digital enterprises for the Wild Wild Web*. Today, we are ready to again lead Silicon Valley to further advance human-driven technologies in collaboration with the AFRL..." - Dr. Yogesh Malhotra, Founder, AWS-Quantum Valley™: BRINT.com Know-Build-Monetize™ Networks: YM-ABC™: YogeshMalhotra.com: AIMLExchange.com : BRINT.com : C4I-Cyber.com