#Earth’s #magnetic #northpole is speeding towards Russia: #AIMLExchange. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6613668742025003008

#Earth’s #magnetic #northpole is speeding towards Russia:
#AIMLExchange AIMLExchange.com We create the Digital Future™: In recent years, the magnetic north pole has moved more rapidly than ever before.
#WorldMagneticModel 2020 Released:
https://lnkd.in/eQgJ9jz :

#Smartphone and #consumer #electronics companies rely on the #WMM to provide consumers with accurate #compass #apps, #maps, and #GPS services. The WMM is the standard #navigation tool for #FAA, #DoD, #NATO , and more.

The #military uses the WMM for #undersea and #aircraft #navigation, #parachute deployment, and more. Other governmental organizations, such as #NASA, the #FAA, etc. use the technology for #surveying and #mapping, #satellite #antenna #tracking, and #airtraffic management.

#Airport #runways around the country use the data to give runways numerical names.

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Earlier this year, scientists revealed that Earth’s magnetic north pole is shifting faster than anyone had predicted. Polar shifts aren’t uncommon and we’ve long known that Earth’s magnetic poles a…
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