#Direct #commissions for #Army #cyber #officers finally gaining steam: “The authority to direct appoint offi. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6701572655365070848

#Direct #commissions for #Army #cyber #officers finally gaining steam: “The authority to direct appoint officers was last used on this scale during World War II… The #cyber domain has become an increasingly important focus for recruiting and retention as #cyberattacks and #information #operations rise on the #Pentagon’s list of priorities.” Direct commissioning is not new to the Army, but new authorities allotted to all service branches in the 2019 #National #Defense #Authorization Act allowed direct commissions up to the rank of O-6, or #full #colonel. In September, the #Army published its #new #directive: https://lnkd.in/eAz9hwy : guiding the direct commission process for branches and proponents. Since then, the Army Talent Management Task Force has been working with the Combined Arms Center and others to “identify technical and occupational skills gaps” in all branches and functional areas.

“However, we are cognizant that there is much talent that exists in the private sector and if the Army is going to win the war for talent, we should seek to create opportunities for citizens to bring their talents to bear for the good of the Army and the nation.

“The authority to direct appoint officers was last used on this scale during World War II,” said an Army Talent Management Task Force official.
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