
#COVID19: “What we have uncovered is just the #tip of an #iceberg.”: #Princeton #Presentation on #Icebergs of #Risks: : “focus of #risk on ‘#tip’ of the #iceberg…”
“”By January 7 the #Wuhan team had determined that the #new #virus had indeed caused the disease those patients suffered—a conclusion based on results from analyses using polymerase chain reaction, full genome sequencing, antibody tests of blood samples and the virus’s ability to infect human lung cells in a petri dish. The genomic sequence of the virus, eventually named #SARS-#CoV2, was 96% identical to that of a #coronavirus the researchers identified in #horseshoe #bats in #Yunnan. Their results appeared in a paper published online on February 3 in #Nature. “It’s crystal clear that bats, once again, are the natural reservoir.”””
“The data also point to a single introduction into humans followed by sustained #human-#to-#human #transmission…”
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Wuhan-based virologist Shi Zhengli has identified dozens of deadly SARS-like viruses in bat caves, and she warns there are more out there
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