#COVID19 #pandemic about to enter its most treacherous phase?: Increasing #Morbidity Besides Lower #Mortality:. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6710396758683381760

#COVID19 #pandemic about to enter its most treacherous phase?: Increasing #Morbidity Besides Lower #Mortality: New normal is 40,000 infections a day:
While death rates among the infected are declining with improved treatment and a more favorable age profile, fatalities are still running at nearly a thousand per day. This matches levels at the beginning of April, reflecting the fact that the number of new infections is half again as high.

#Mortality, in any case, is only one aspect of the virus’s toll. Many surviving COVID-19 patients continue to suffer #chronic #cardiovascular #problems and #impaired #mental #function. If almost 40,000 cases a day is the new normal, then the implications for #morbidity—and for human health and economic welfare—are truly dire.

#COVID19 #pandemic about to enter its most treacherous phase?: Increasing #Morbidity Besides Lower #Mortality: New normal is 40,000 infections a day: While…
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