#CEOs #CxOs #Intrapreneurs #Entrepreneurs #ExternalEnvironment #Leadership and #people. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6567470014675337218

#CEOs #CxOs #Intrapreneurs #Entrepreneurs #ExternalEnvironment #Leadership and #people skills alone won’t propel rising stars to the top. Organizations today are also looking for executives who think like #entrepreneurs: scanning #external #trends, quickly charting a new course when needed, and adapting to new #cultures and #leadershipstyles.

Pick a path (or build your own) to the C-suite.

#TenuredExecutives stay with the same company throughout their careers, patiently rising through the ranks. [Was] Most common path: tenured executives are immersed in company #culture and gain #followers while also adapting to changes.

#FreeAgents come up through the ranks at one company, and then leave for another. Free agents are valued because they bring a #freshperspective and #newideas, and are often brought on during times of #change or a #strategicshift.

#Leapfrogs skip two or more levels of management to move into a top-level job, often thanks to their #vision and ability to #navigate a #rapidlychanging #businessenvironment. This is the most difficult path to execute.

#Founders leave an established company to start their own. This more ambiguous path has a higher level of risk, but can also be an expedited entree to the top, allowing leaders to create their own opportunities.

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