#Causality: #Physics vs. #SocioTechnical #Systems: #CyberFinance & #CyberWar: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2 :” “The. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6766114888864608257

#Causality: #Physics vs. #SocioTechnical #Systems: #CyberFinance & #CyberWar: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2 :
The House Always Wins… The MarketMakers Always Win: https://lnkd.in/eUYAizy :
1) The bets ARE the market. 2) Market makers OWN the market.:

More specifically, when someone puts huge bets on #Gamestop to stick it to the short sellers, they aren’t soldiers bravely fighting for a better system. They are pawns getting played.

The thing that determines whether or not our #stock #market bets pay off is … other bets.

What happened last week would be exactly like New York Jets fans getting together and deciding “hey, if enough of us bet on the Jets to beat the Patriots, that will CAUSE the Jets to beat the Patriots.” Insane, right?

But that’s exactly what happened.

Because unlike football, the bets ARE the game.

What happened last week with Robinhood would be exactly like if the referees who were working that Jets versus Patriots game – the one that the Jets were miraculously winning – decided at halftime that the Jets would not be allowed to have the ball on offense in the second half unless they ponied up a couple of billion dollars in an escrow account. Insane, right?

But that’s exactly what happened.

Because unlike football, the referees OWN the game.

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