#Blockchain, #Bitcoin, #Cryptocurrencies, and, #QuantumMoney: #BitcoinProtocol: #Model of. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6615987766205431808

#Blockchain, #Bitcoin, #Cryptocurrencies, and, #QuantumMoney: #BitcoinProtocol: #Model of #Cryptographic #Proof Based Global #CryptoCurrency & #Electronic #Payments System:

#Blockchain: The technology is complex and not conclusively defined — some applications are simply traditional #distributedledgers #DLT, lacking #anonymity and #immutability. Figuring out how and when to apply blockchain is challenging, and companies are struggling with the #businessmodel.

#Trust: The reason it’s taking such a long time is not necessarily a #technical problem… It is a #cultural and #structural challenge getting non-trusting parties to work together.

#SupplyChain & #Trust : As a shared #digitalledger that creates an immutable record of #transactions, blockchain is ideal for tracking the provenance of goods among #suppliers that may not #trust each other.

#Crypto https://lnkd.in/e5m9cqM
#Quantum https://lnkd.in/eUMSZGp
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