#Billion #Dollar #Errors: All #Tools Have #Limits: Including #AI & #Quantum: https://lnkd.in/ghFYFEY : “Like o. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6718942654408867840

#Billion #Dollar #Errors: All #Tools Have #Limits: Including #AI & #Quantum: https://lnkd.in/ghFYFEY : Like other programming languages and #AI #MachineLearning [as well as #Quantum #Computing], #MSExcel has its fair share of #Billion #dollar #errors… Our focus is on examining #exploitation of #limits of such tools from a #Quant #Cyber #Crypto perspective… with focus on #BlackHat #ModelRiskArbitrage in [‘Breaking’] #Adversarial #Contexts, and, on #ModelRiskManagement in [‘Building’] #Developmental #Contexts.

United States Air Force Air Force Research Laboratory #AI #Quant #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Ventures:

#USAF #Pentagon S&T R&D #Strategy: 2030 & Beyond: Beyond #JADC2 to #JADAC2 & #JADCAC2

#MIT Computer Science & AI Lab: AI-ML-DL-NLP-RPA: Executive Guide: https://lnkd.in/eknKzm5 :

#Princeton #AI #ML #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Computing Presentations: https://lnkd.in/eNQWjfD

#AIMLExchange https://aimlexchange.com/ We create the Digital Future™:

#C4I-Cyber: https://c4i-cyber.com/ Because the Future of the World Depends Upon It™:

Global Risk Management Network LLC: New York-US-Worldwide: US-India Ventures FasterCapital Dubai UAE

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