Beyond #CounterDrone #Systems to #ForceField #DirectedEnergy: #Directed #Energy #Future…


Beyond #CounterDrone #Systems to #ForceField #DirectedEnergy: #Directed #Energy #Futures: #Strategy & #Vision for the Next 40 Years of Department of Defense #DoD Directed Energy Technologies – United States Air Force Air Force Research Laboratory:

#EMS #ElectromagneticSpectrum DE is a focused beam of electro-magnetic energy that is used to enable or create military effects, when used in conjunction with other military systems, including kinetic weapons. Specific examples of #DE are #lasers, #radio #frequency devices, high power #microwave, #millimeter #wave, and #particle #beam technology used to create a military effect, e.g. deny, degrade, damage, destroy, or deceive. At least 31 nations today have DE weapons for #counterdrone counter unmanned airborne system #cUAS missions, such as base defense. Today both state and non-state-actors have used low-power lasers during operations: military, policing, during protests, and to imperil civil and military pilots. Counter sensor and counter electronic DE weapons are effective today from a variety of platforms (airborne, ground, and ship based), across various phases of war and intensities of conflict.

The increase in DE military significance is driven by #convergence of trends in:
• The science and technology enabling greater DE #performance and #capabilities
• The characteristics and requirements of #offensive and #defensive #operations across the #battlespace, and
• The role and characteristics of #information in maintaining military parity or #dominance across the battlespace.

The increased criticality and competition of #DE #capabilities argues for a #national #strategy that guarantees U.S. DE military capabilities ensuring U.S. national interests and power. Such a strategy must incorporate short-, mid- and long-term perspectives on the future of DE capabilities both generally and specifically as they apply to military operations. This report presents results from the first of a three-step effort to provide that long-term #vision towards the development of this strategy.

United States Air Force Air Force Research Laboratory #AI #Quant #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Ventures: #ABMS2: Beyond #ABMS #JADC2 to #ABMS2 #JADAC2 #JADCAC2: #AI #C4I #Cyber #Crypto #EMS:

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MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) #MIT #AI #ML #DL #NLP #RPA #Executive #Guide:

Princeton University #Princeton #AI #ML #DL #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Presentations: :

Global Risk Management Network LLC: AI-ML-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum-Risk-Computing: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon-Worldwide Digital Pioneer

Thanks to Darryl W Burke for sharing the following:

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