Beyond #ChatGPT: Building #QuantumMinds for #Quantum #Uncertainty: “”2023: Augmented . . .


Beyond #ChatGPT: Building #QuantumMinds for #Quantum #Uncertainty:
2023: Augmented AI-Intelligent Systems for Quantum Uncertainty & Complexity : From 2001: “Many of our global corporate collaborators and allies estimated the ‘manpower’ running the various WWW and Digital Knowledge Ventures between 40 and 100. In fact all the technology and knowledge ventures were run by automatically programmed simple technologies with a very part-time #human #mind overseeing those ventures.”: Source: Archives: The Story Behind the #Digital #Innovation #Network Named ‘The Knowledge Creating Company™’ Before #Google Circa 1993-2001: The Little #Engine That Could Do #Cybernetics, #Digital #Social #Enterprises, & #Digital #Social #Networks: The Self-Adaptive #Complex #Systems Network Point-Of-View On Actualizing the Cybernetic Models of Complex Self-Adaptive Systems & Harnessing the “Wild Wild Web”: :

VICE News ‘Overemployed’ Hustlers Exploit ChatGPT To Take On Even More Full-Time Jobs: : “ChatGPT does like 80% of my job… one Ohio-based technology worker who upped his number of jobs from two to four after he started to integrate ChatGPT into his work process. I think five [jobs] would probably just be overkill… The tool has even helped him win a grant from the U.K. government and complete coursework for a master’s degree necessary to receive a university teaching qualification he was too busy to handle by himself while working three jobs… Once he can do so, he said, he hopes to offshore his job to someone in India who can “do my job for me.””

The Wall Street Journal These Tech Workers Say They Were Hired for Jobs Paying $190K for ‘Doing Nothing’: : “Until last year, she, worked for Meta. Except she says she didn’t really work at all… who held a position as a recruiter, says that after joining the company in September 2021, she spent much of her time in meetings that didn’t accomplish anything, and that the company had too many recruiters and not enough work for them to do… They were just kind of, like, hoarding us like Pokémon cards.”

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"ChatGPT does like 80 percent of my job," said one worker. Another is holding the line at four robot-performed jobs. "Five would be overkill," he said.
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