Beyond #ABMS #JADC2 : #ABMS2 #JADAC2 & #JADCAC2: “” #Global #Networked #Computing #Warfare:”. . .


Beyond #ABMS #JADC2 : #ABMS2 #JADAC2 & #JADCAC2: #Global #Networked #Computing #Warfare:
We don’t fight wars as an Army, a Navy…we fight wars as a nation and we fight wars with allies and partners.” – Gen. Milley
Foundational elements of #Pentagon’s effort to #NETWORK VIRTUALLY all of its weapons, vehicles, and troops should fall into place this year. Among them is a new joint warfare #concept to guide the services as they develop #doctrine to take advantage of better #networked #forces. Early Example: :
#ControlDoctrine to Counter #UnrestrictedWarfare:
“Joint Warfighting Concept 1.0” will become the “intellectual foundation” and it may take several years for the services to turn the concept into doctrine that “sergeants and captains and colonels can actually apply” in operations. “Concepts are used to develop #doctrine, to develop organizations that will employ the doctrine and to do #force #development, #force #design for weapons systems that you will need to execute the doctrine.”

#NORTHCOM’s #Pathfinder initiative is applying machine learning to radar data, hoping to enable existing sensors to detect new types of weapons rather than create new ones as threats evolve shared NORTHCOM commander Air Force Gen. Glen D VanHerck.

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