
Amazon, the new king of shipping: While the world has fixated on Amazon’s moves into books, groceries and cloud computing, perhaps most formidable of all has been its swift break into a different business — package delivery. In a relatively short time, Amazon has built up a logistics arm that is already turning this industry worth many billions on its head.

The e-commerce behemoth is already faster than competitors — and it has ambitions of getting even speedier. Amazon — which has started offering its shipping capabilities as a service — will be able to ship products for about two-thirds the rates of UPS and FedEx.

We’re now talking about a retailer that will control the entire process from manufacturing to delivery. They just want to take all the profitable routes and operations and leave the carriers with all the dogs. Like Amazon, Walmart also has a logistics business of its own and could emerge as a shipping competitor.

Amazon’s Playbook: Related Princeton Presentation: Building a better ‘Machine’ than the Biggest Hedge Fund (Slides 62-77): . More: .

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#Shipping #Logistics

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