#Air #Space: #Electroaerodynamics & #SolidState #Propulsion: Latest on:. . .

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#Air #Space: #Electroaerodynamics & #SolidState #Propulsion: Latest on: Electroaerodynamics: https://lnkd.in/eEYWhqp , Solid State Propulsion: https://lnkd.in/eRMD5KJ”
“2018 Nature: https://lnkd.in/erQWnrR :”
“Electroaerodynamics, in which electrical forces accelerate ions in a fluid, has been proposed as an alternative method [to fossil-fuel combustion] of propelling aeroplanes—without moving parts, nearly silently and without combustion emissions. However, no aeroplane with such a solid-state propulsion system has yet flown. Here we demonstrate that a solid-state propulsion system can sustain powered flight, by designing and flying an electroaerodynamically propelled heavier-than-air aeroplane.”
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The turbineless design uses electroaerodynamic propulsion to fly and could herald the arrival of quieter, lower-emission aircraft.
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