#AI #Performance: #Beyond #Data #Hardware #Software #Models:””#MIT #ComputerScience &…

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6826611986441273344

#AI #Performance: #Beyond #Data #Hardware #Software #Models:
#MIT #ComputerScience & #AI Lab: #AI #ML #DL #NLP #RPA: #Executive #Guide: https://lnkd.in/eknKzm5 :
#Executing for #RealTime #Business #Peformance Not Limited by #Data #Hardware #Software #Models: https://lnkd.in/ea5wsgu :

Re: Andrew Ng: “But, given advances in AI technology, these organizations should shift their focus from building the right #model — a #software-focused approach — to focusing getting good #data, which clearly illustrates the concepts we need the AI to learn, and using new machine learning operations (MLOps) tools.”


There is #NoRightModel: #AllModelsAreWrong “All Models Are Wrong”: #Adversarial #Markets: https://lnkd.in/eCBVJqZ: ALL #Data is about #Past and all #Decisions about #Present & #Futures… Unless you are situated in #Static & #Statistically #Normal #Linear #Environments: https://lnkd.in/e8M9Fmg, what really matters in #Dynamic #Statistically #NonNormal #NonLinear #Environments: https://lnkd.in/eQc_gzw :

#Reference: World’s First #ComputerScience #NetworkSecurity #Financial #Engineering #Thesis on #Risk #Modeling #RiskManagement & #Uncertainty #Management for #Dynamic #Statistically #NonNormal #NonLinear #Environments:
https://lnkd.in/eQc_gzw :

#RiskManagement for the [Now, Extremely] #Uncertain #Future:
Bayesian #VaR #Models Advancing beyond #VaR #ModelRisks
Exposed by the #GlobalFinancialCrisis: https://lnkd.in/eN56sAS :
“The only Constant used to be Change… Even it is not Constant anymore….” – Dr. Yogesh Malhotra.

#AnticipationOfSurprise: #BeyondData #Driven #Prediction:
Goldman Sachs to J.P. Morgan: FutureOfFinance.org: Latest CFA Institute: CFA Society Rochester Invited #Keynote: #AutoML #RiskModeling & #RiskManagement from Goldman Sachs to J.P. Morgan: AIMLExchange.com/CFA/ :

#ModelRiskManagement for #Lab / #Controlled Environments:
Princeton University #Presentation: #ModelRiskManagement:
#Future of #Finance Beyond #FlashBoys: #RiskModeling for Managing #Uncertainty in Increasingly #NonDeterministic #Cyber #World: https://lnkd.in/eDE4UTr .

#ModelRiskArbitrage in Real #Adversarial #Uncertainty #Environments: #StateOfNewYork #Presentation: https://lnkd.in/eidSUPE :
#Princeton #University #Presentation: #ModelRiskArbitrage:
Beyond #Model #RiskManagement to #ModelRisk #Arbitrage for #FinTech Era: How to Navigate ‘Uncertainty’…When ‘Models’ Are ‘Wrong’…And Knowledge’…‘Imperfect’! https://lnkd.in/euWCMmX

#Network #Centric #Computing: #Human #Machine #Networks of #Networks: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2:

You Need to #Unlearn As Rapidly as You #Learn Given #RadicalDiscontinuousChange #Environments: #High #Uncertainty: https://lnkd.in/et2wpKe .

#Reference: #MIT #Princeton #AI #FinTech #Quant #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #SME: Leading #SiliconValley VCs to #WallStreet #HedgeFunds to #DoD #Defense #Space #JointChiefs #CxO’s : https://lnkd.in/esk8PEp.

Global Risk Management Network LLC: AI-ML-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum-Risk-Computing

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