The Wall Street Journal: #CISO #CyberSecurity #CyberOps: #AIOps-#MLOps-#DevSecOps: How . . .


The Wall Street Journal: #CISO #CyberSecurity #CyberOps: #AIOps-#MLOps-#DevSecOps: How to Apply AI Successfully Even When #CISO-s Don’t See Much in Hyped #GenAI Promises & Perils: [ Download 217-Slide Deck ]:
Bloomberg: #AI Isn’t #HolyGrail: : :

#Risk & #Uncertainty

How to Apply AI Successfully even when #AI Isn’t #HolyGrail: Worlds of #StockMarkets vs. Cats & Dogs: :

#DynamicRisk & #DynamicUncertainty

Beyond #Data-Driven to #Event-Driven #Architectures
For #Quantum #Uncertainty, 1993-2023:

Building on current discussions on #GPT, #ChatGPT, #GenAI, Generative AI, Large #Language #Model#LLM-s, we help you advance beyond the ongoing global AI-hype – on both #dystopian and #utopian extremes – to focus on latest #AI #Event-#Driven #Architectures technical developments such as in #AIOps, #MLOPs, #DevSecOps, #Infrastructure As #Code, #Configuration As Code, #Platform As Code, #AI-#ML #Pipeline As Code for building Cloud Computing #AI-#Agility and #Cyber-#Resilience Sustainability, our 2022 New York State Cybersecurity Conference presentation as #AWS #Partner. With increasing #Digitization of #Networks as #Code, we help world’s global ‘#Hardware’, ‘#Software’ and other ‘Computing’ providers and practitioners advance beyond #legacy #models of #computing to the latest #Cloud-based #Networked #Computing #Utility models. Our 30-year R&D focus on #NetworkCentricComputing from both #Sociotechnical and #Systems #Engineering perspectives spans the schisms presented by #ClaudeShannon’s #InformationTheory in how AI-ML enabled Information Processing and Sense Making can occur across both Socio-Technical and Computing-#Telecom #Networks*.

#AdversarialRisk & #Adversarial #Uncertainty:
#NYSCyber: 2016-2023 New York State #Cybersecurity Conferences: : Latest :

Latest on #QuantumUncertainty-#Time #Space #Complexity:
Download Latest R&D: :

Having already addressed the core issues being debated on mainstream #Business, #Finance, #Technology and other media and resolved them based on 30-years of our #AI-#Cyber-#NetworkScience-#Engineering R&D leading worldwide #Digital practices, we also help you advance ahead by 25-years on the global #RiskManagement standards given that the latest #ISO 31000 #Risk #Management #Standard is playing catch up having lagged 25-years behind our R&D leading global Risk Management practices.

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