#Cyber #Resilient #Financial #FinTech #Crypto #Markets & #Exchanges: R&D Leading Global. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3AugcPost%3A6870183440873005056

#Cyber #Resilient #Financial #FinTech #Crypto #Markets & #Exchanges: R&D Leading Global Practices in AI-Quant-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum-Risk-Computing:

Having had the pleasure of seeing and chatting with Emanuel Derman on a couple of occasions while in Midtown #Manhattan, his focus on #ModelRisk as Goldman Sachs Head of Quant Strategy inspired much of my work on #ModelRiskManagement and #Model #Risk #Arbitrage with related invited #Quant-#Finance #Trading, #Fintech-#Crypto-#Quantum, presentations at #Princeton* building up the integrative applied contextual domains of #AI-#ML-#Quant-#Cyber-#Crypto-#Quantum-#Risk #Computing spanning #SiliconValley, #WallStreet, #Pentagon and #Global #industries, #firms, #governments and #institutions with respective #corporate #clients. #EmanuelDerman* [& #PaulWilmott] had made specific observations about how #physics is limited in its understanding of #social-#sociotechnical (#people mentioned in Igor Halperin’s posted article: https://lnkd.in/e32yrpkB) domains…

#Financial #Modelers#Manifesto:*

… It is the above gap between #physics and #sociological #behavioral #sociotechnical #global contexts of #financial #systems and #financial #markets and #exchanges that my #AI-#KM-#Human #Machine #Systems #Intelligence, #Learning & #Knowledge #Management #Systems R&D with focus on #Dynamic #Self-#Adaptive #Complex #Systems for domains characterized by #Dynamic & #Adversarial #Uncertainty has been spanning over the last decade and earlier: https://lnkd.in/gFn4Vm2 and : https://lnkd.in/epx6zV3 .

As Founder of #NewYork #AI-#FinTech-#RiskManagement #Pioneer & #MIT-#Princeton #AI-#FinTech industry expert, we advance AI-FinTech #Practices building on #Digital #CEO #Networks leadership of global firms such as #GoldmanSachs#WallStreet #HedgeFunds $1 Trillion AUM, #Big3 #Global #Banking #Finance #IT, #National #FinTech #transformation of #Government of #Switzerland, #Quant #Economist leadership of United Nations & #AI-#FinTech #Practices #Leadership of #associations #ACM, #CFA, #PRMIA, #NAIC.

#MIT #Princeton AI-FinTech-Quant-Cyber-Crypto-Quantum #SME: Leading #SiliconValley VCs to #WallStreet #HedgeFunds to #Pentagon: https://lnkd.in/esk8PEp:
#USAF #AFRL #Ventures: AIMLExchange.com : C4I-Cyber.com :
#MIT #ComputerScience & #AI Lab: AI-ML-DL-NLP-RPA: Executive Guide: https://lnkd.in/eknKzm5:
#Princeton #AI #ML #Cyber #Crypto #Quantum #Computing Presentations: ModelRiskArbitrage.com:
#GoldmanSachs #JPMorgan: FutureOfFinance.org:

From Beta of First WWW Browser to What Became #Digital #Transformation to where #AI is Headed Next:

#SiliconValley #WallStreet #Pentagon #Global #Digital #Pioneer: Growing #Global #CEO #CxO #Digital #Teams to #Trillion #Dollar #HedgeFunds: https://lnkd.in/eMF5PX8h :

Global Risk Management Network LLC: Silicon Valley-Wall Street-Pentagon-Global Digital CEOs Networks:
We create the Digital Future™:
AIMLExchange.com : BRINT.com : C4I-Cyber.com

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