EU Will Likely Ban Bitcoin : 5 Things Not To Buy in 2023 including Crypto: Why a Bit. . .


EU Will Likely Ban Bitcoin : 5 Things Not To Buy in 2023 including Crypto:
Why a Bitcoin Ban in the EU Is Likely… from the ‘Top Supporter’ of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine: is increasingly seen as a “#dirty #currency.” #ElonMusk-#Tesla, Wikipedia, Greenpeace and other organizations have stopped accepting #BTC for their products or as a means to donate money. [And, Musk is not alone… as the #PoW #ProofOfWork has given way to #PoS #ProofOfStake to #PoR #ProofOfReserve… even which has been found to be inadequate in supporting #Transparency and #Auditability of ‘so called’ #cryptocurrencies… with #Auditing #Firms bailing out.. as you already know if you follow our posts here.]

MarketWatch 5 things you really should not buy in 2023: #SPAC, #Crypto, #VRHeadsets, #MemeStocks, #Tesla [Some say #Cars, others say #Stock, and others say Both: ]… :

#SPACs Special purpose #acquisitions companies: The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission warned #investors last April that so-called advantages of the SPAC process, such as reduced #legal #liability, may not prove to be so solid if tested in court. Investors who bought SPACs that merged with private companies since 2015 have suffered losses of 37%, on average, a year after the merger, according to a recent study. 

#Crypto: Two main reasons not to invest in #cryptocurrency in 2023, and neither has to do with the precipitous drop in #value for most of the major coins. Buying it amounts more to #speculation than to #investing: #crypto is all #risk. If you do buy it, there’s really no safe way to store it. There’s no #federal #insurance covering #exchange #failures and little #cyber-#theft protection for individuals.

#VR #Headsets Those don’t come cheap and are expected to be soon obsoleted with competing superior products with sales of #VR #Headsets plunging already because “While the Metaverse may be useful for specific use cases, unfortunately, there are very few VR applications in the marketplace that meet the diverse needs for remote and hybrid work”:

#Meme #stocks: Struggling companies with business models that appear to some to be dying and/or struggling do not generally perform well in the stock market. What drove them was #socialmedia #sentiment by a swarm of #retail investors in a booming #stock #market fueled by ultra-low #interest #rates. But we are now in a #bear #market with interest rates that are elevated.

#Tesla #cars: Scaled back expectations, crowded market, insider sales to name a few reasons with vanishing premium with increased prices at an “embarrassing” level as admitted by CEO. 

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