#Science #Humans #Birds #Intelligence: Research unveiled on Thursday in #Science [ Article: https://lnkd.in/ec. . .

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6717616759135907840

#Science #Humans #Birds #Intelligence: Research unveiled on Thursday in #Science [ Article: https://lnkd.in/ecJ6xkT ] finds that crows know what they know and can ponder the content of their own minds, a manifestation of higher intelligence and analytical thought long believed the sole province of humans and a few other higher mammals. A second study, also in #Science [ Article: https://lnkd.in/eizRdpq ] , looked in unprecedented detail at the neuroanatomy of pigeons and barn owls, finding hints to the basis of their intelligence that likely applies to corvids’, too. “Together, the two papers show that #intelligence / #consciousness are grounded in #connectivity and #activity #patterns of #neurons”. “Brains can appear diverse, and at the same time share profound similarities. The extent to which similar properties present themselves might be simply a matter of scale: how many neurons are available to work.”

New research finds that crows can ponder the content of their own minds, a manifestation of higher intelligence long believed the sole province of humans and a few other higher mammals.
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