
Princeton: Cybersecurity Risks from Mobile and IoT in emerging Crypto-FinTech landscape:

New RSA research shows that #fraud activity from mobile browsers and rogue apps is growing and now represents 71% of all cybercrime activity.

As underscored in the following 2016 Princeton Quant Trading Presentation: increasing growth of Mobile and IoT will combine together resulting in yet unprecedented rise in cybersecurity risks and crimes in the emerging Crypto-FinTech landscape.

Beyond Model Risk Management to Model Risk Arbitrage for FinTech Era: How to Navigate ‘Uncertainty’…When ‘Models’ Are ‘Wrong’…And Knowledge’…‘Imperfect’! Knight Reconsidered Again: Risk, Uncertainty, & Profit Beyond ZIRP & NIRP

More on the latest Cybersecurity Risks from Mobile and IoT in the emerging Crypto-FinTech landscape: 

#cybersecurity #fintech #crypto #uncertainty #riskmanagement #mobilesecurity #mobilepayments #mobilebanking #internetofthings

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