
Cyberattackers rely heavily on user interaction and normal human behaviors like complacency and a desire for efficiency and convenience. Often, the subtle cause behind a #security breach is human error (e.g., using a weak password, clicking a suspicious link, failing to download security updates, etc.). As consumers become more and more comfortable making purchases, paying bills and sharing sensitive personal information online through digital interactions with their health care providers, financial services institutions and government entities, human factors can become serious vulnerabilities.

In the U.S. alone, 143 million consumers — more than half the adult population that is active online — were victims of #cybercrime last year. U.S. consumers’ losses totaled $19.4 billion, and, on average, each victim lost nearly 20 hours dealing with the fallout.

We need to design solutions that 1) educate consumers about the threats that exist as they interact with this technology, 2) empower them with the tools they need and 3) make it easy for them to use those tools. The best way for consumers to confront #cybersecurity threats and prevent the damage associated with a security breach is to be prepared with the proper knowledge and smart tools.

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